My mother is such a good pianist. She can play anything and she can do it so amazingly well. I’ve always been proud to be her son for so many reasons and one of these many reasons is her mastery of the piano. If fact, some of my fondest memories are under the piano. It was under the piano that I first heard Beethoven, Mozart, Handel, Chopin, and Bach.
Probably the most moving of these experiences was the hymns. I don’t know if it was my connection or my mom’s connection with God. Maybe it was both of these. You see music truly is the language of the soul and when you put words with the music it adds a new dimension to what the music means to you. How can you not be moved by words like, “just as I am without one plea but that Thy blood was shed for me . . . ?” The God of the universe loved a sorry messed up person like me so much that He gave His only precious Son so that He could have me safe with Him and He takes me just as I am. I don’t have to change before He will take me. Once I surrender to Him, He will change me from the inside out - just like He fashioned me in my mother’s womb so He fashions me from inside my heart to make me more like Him.
Some memories are stronger than others but few are as sweet as those I found under the piano. So, when times get hard mom and her piano make for wonderful encouragement.
“Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”
-Philippians 2:1 & 2